Friends of Center 50+ hosts weekly Bingo games and regular Special Events with proceeds contributing to Center 50+ programs and services. Winners collect cash prizes. These transactions are licensed through Oregon Department of Justice.

Friends operates the Center 50+ Petit Boutique. Both donated and consigned merchandise are priced with thrifty buyers in mind. The Boutique is known for its surprise treats and treasurers so merchandise sells quickly. Seniors can supplement their income by becoming a consignor and the Boutique accepts lightly used household items as well. Proceeds support the Alzheimer’s Respite Program, Senior Scholarships, and Health and Wellness classes.

Friends operate a robust group travel program. Seniors enjoy day, overnight, national and world-wide tours with new and old friends. We take advantage of group special pricing and utilize volunteers to keep travel expenses as reasonable as possible. Although at this time travel is limited due to Covid-19 we continue to plan for the future and look forward to traveling together very soon.

Friends provides ongoing support to all Center 50+ programs and services.
To access Center 50+'s current catalog click here.